Kairouan is known in the cities of Tunisia by his : bread , Makroudh(kind of patisserie) and Keftegi (kairouan sandwitch) .
now this is a few kind of bread in kairouan :
Siniya: is bread that rises in metal molds and whose crust is brushed with oil. Chiha is the most famous.
baked on the floor of the oven, is very light and the most popular.
Mida is bread sprinkled with semolina. Like Siniya, the dough was originally made at home, then baked by the local baker.
Mjarreh : is similar to Chaway, but is lacey in appearance.
Mbassess : bread of different dimensions, made with olive oil, smen, and sometimes even mouton fat.
Bzezel = (in english breast ;) ) : is bread served at the wedding ceremony, it’s made of little pointed puffs of dough.
Kamh :is a full grain bread made with non husked wheat.
Majamaa :pain de grande dimension formé de boules de pâtes
BIzzitoune : is bread with black olives.
Tabouna (Galette) :pain de campagne cuit au four circulaire en terre cuite
Bochmat : is very crunchy bread baked on the floor of the oven.

Ftira Ghanay :is country bread baked in a clay tajine pot.

Mlawi :should be served warm with butter and honey or powdered sugar. These small breads can also be dipped in melted butter and honey.
source : www.kairouan.org
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